Business Academy
The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce is the village green for businesses and a hub of connectivity. We are pleased to offer the Business Academy through partnerships with legal experts, legislative representatives, industry specialists and others to bring educational and certification tools through webinars and content. Click through upcoming classes and re-watch classes below.
For more information on the West Virginia Chamber’s Business Academy, including how to host a class, please contact Kaylin Jorge at [email protected]
For more information on sponsoring a Business Academy Class, please contact Kathy Thomas at [email protected]
SB 151 Q&A
The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce is joined by West Virginia Tax Commissioner Matt Irby and Baker Tilly Partner Steve Robey to provide a Q&A and an in-depth look at SB 151, a piece of tax legislation passed in the 2023 Legislative Session relating to levying tax on pass-through entities.
Watch the Business Academy Masterclass Below:
West Virginia's Childcare Tax Credit Law
West Virginia lawmakers passed a major workforce and jobs bill in the 2022 West Virginia Legislative Session which incentivizes businesses to build childcare facilities on their premises. Under SB656, employers who create a childcare facility are eligible for a 50% tax credit on initial startup and operating costs that would be taken over a period of five years. The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with the YMCA for a virtual presentation giving expert insight into the bill and the nuances of starting a childcare facility.
Building Your Workforce At Home
Part 1:
The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce is joined by West Virginia Higher Education Chancellor Sarah Tucker, WVU Parkersburg President Dr. Torie Jackson and Chemours’ Todd Fox to discuss a thriving partnership that creates training opportunities for students and solutions for businesses.
Watch the Business Academy Class Below:
Part 2:
The West Virginia Chamber of Commerce is joined by Dr. Sarah Armstrong Tucker, West Virginia’s Chancellor of Higher Education; Dr. Casey Sacks, President of BridgeValley Community and Technical College; and, Anita Ferguson, Corporate Director for Talent Acquisition at Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC), to discuss the successful workforce development partnership between BridgeValley and CAMC, which trains and hires more BridgeValley healthcare students than any other employer.
Watch the Business Academy Class Below:
Get expert insight from entrepreneurs in West Virginia about what it takes to open a business.
Developing The Next Generation of West Virginia's Workforce
Generation West Virginia shares how they’re working to develop a next-generation workforce in the Mountain State. Generation West Virginia took us through GWV’s workforce development programs—all designed to help employers recruit and retain West Virginia’s top talent. During this session, Chamber members learned how to access GWV’s wide network of emerging and mid-career professionals in the Mountain State, and how the GWV Fellowship supports professional development and retention for West Virginia employers.
Watch the Business Academy Class Below: